We want to see ministry leaders thrive. That’s why we exist.
We want to see ministry leaders thrive. That’s why we exist.

When pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders thrive, the impact is exponential.  The ripple effects are felt in the churches, communities, and lives of those they serve.

But we don’t just care about pastors and missionaries because of their impact.  We care about ministry leaders for their own sake. 

They matter.  Their families matter. 

And DEEPEN MINISTRIES exists to come alongside them and help them thrive in every area of life. 


Who We Serve
  • Pastors, missionaries, and ministry leaders
  • People who sense God may be calling them to specific ministry work
  • We focus especially on early- and mid-career ministry leaders
What We Do
  • We come alongside ministry leaders… we don’t take a top-down approach.  We don’t think of ourselves as the experts or as the ones who have it all together.  We are companions on the journey.
How We Do It
  • We focus on relationships… the ministry leader’s relationship with God, their family, their peers, and our team.
  • We create transformative experiences… especially through retreats in beautiful settings, adventurous outdoor excursions, and meaningful spiritual practices.
  • We foster grace-filled communities… where leaders can come as they are to be loved and served in a condemnation-free zone.
  • We work small… limiting the size of our retreats, keeping process groups to a handful of participants, and doing lots of ministry one-on-one.
  • We combine a variety of tools and resources… practical coaching, process groups, retreats, spiritual formation practices, pastoral care and counsel, prayer ministry, and outdoor adventure are some of the ways we come alongside leaders.

Our Team

Brett Mosher

Founder, Chief Executive

Daniel Chung

Coaching / Pastoral Care Associate

Julie Forman

Administrative Assistant

Our Accountability Council

The Accountability Council provides oversight to ensure that DEEPEN MINISTRIES remains above reproach, stewards financial resources with integrity, remains doctrinally sound—and that the DEEPEN team stays emotionally and spiritually healthy.

Marcus Lawhon

Troy Gardner

Eric Wong

Partnership With SOCI

DEEPEN MINISTRIES has partnered with Servants of Christ International (SOCI) to provide administrative support, financial accounting, and to process donations so that they are tax-deductible for donors.

SOCI is a 501(c)(3) that provides ministry administrative services, financial accounting, and access to 501(c)(3) status, allowing new ministries and independent missionaries to receive tax-deductible donations and grants. All gifts made through SOCI are fully tax deductible, and all funds granted to SOCI comply with IRS requirements for grants distributed by private foundations and trusts.

SOCI has successfully partnered with 100+ clients and moved more than $4,000,000 to the global mission field since 1987.  As a non-profit mission administration-organization that supports ministries, donors, and missionary workers, SOCI’s model has been a launching point for ministries to expand into their own and operate independently.   You could say that SOCI serves as a “nonprofit incubator,” providing the nonprofit status, administrative support, and financial accounting needed in the early stages of a new ministry, until the new ministry establishes its own independent 501(c)(3) status.

SOCI promises to provide the highest degree of financial administration and accountability possible at little cost to clients and partners.  SOCI’s ACTS108 program (Administration, Confidence, Transparency, and Structure) makes it simple for ministries to get financial support and for donors to have confidence in knowing where their dollars are going.  As a 501(c)(3) with an administrative platform, SOCI can support independent missionaries and ministries without them having the burden of starting their own non-profit organization.