A 9-month Experience for Pastors and Ministry Leaders

We Get It

You're called. You're committed. But you wonder...

How can I take my leadership to the next level?

How can I pour myself out and also stay filled up?

How can I prioritize ministry AND my family?

How can I heal past wounds and lead into the future?

Ministry is exhilarating, but it's not easy.

Don't do it alone.


for an experience that will equip you to thrive in ministry and in life.


A Close-Knit Community
A Close-Knit Community

Like-minded leaders in a grace-filled space where you can be real

An Epic Retreat
An Epic Retreat

Time away for rest, renewal, hanging out… and having fun

One-on-One Coaching
One-on-One Coaching

An experienced pastor and trained coach to come alongside you

The 9-month Experience

What’s Included?


In a location that inspires, with comfortable accommodations and plenty of opportunities for community, solitude, outdoor adventure, and rest. Learn more about The Retreat



Led by a pastor and trained Process Group Facilitator, with 3-7 like-minded ministry leaders meeting online, every month, for 9 months. Process Groups aren’t your typical small group. Learn more about Process Groups



Two sessions each month with a pastor who is a trained Coach, including one Deep Dive to really dig into your personal growth and map out a plan for your next season of life and ministry.  Learn more about One-on-Ones


DEEPEN LEADERS is more than just the sum of its parts.

Combining a retreat, process groups, and one-on-ones into a cohesive experience exponentially increases the impact of each.  Get ready for serious growth and change.

What’s Required?

This isn’t “another thing to do” — and it’s not for everybody.

This is a vetted group of select leaders — but we don’t choose candidates based on the size of their ministry or social media following.

We’re looking for pastors and leaders who will fully engage — with each other, with their Process Group, with their Coach, and at the Retreat.

Why?  Because we want you to form an authentic community — and get the most out of the time together.

Here’s what we ask of you if you want to be a part:

  • Be Real
  • Be Open
  • Be Honest
  • Be Vulnerable
  • Commit to attending the Retreat (dates coming soon)
  • Commit to faithfully showing up for your Process Group
  • Commit to showing up for 1-on-1 Coaching Sessions
  • Commit to the cost.  Learn more about the Cost
  • Apply. Learn more about How to Apply

Ready to Apply?


Join the Community.
Strengthen Your Soul.
Grow Your Leadership.